Skinny Girl Tricks


Here are some tricks that fit girls use.  Some of them may work for you, and some may not.  They are small little changes that can have a dramatic effect. Often times a bunch of smaller actions over time will reap you higher long term success because you’ve made changes that are virtually undetectable to that Resistance Beast in all of us.

Many of these are tiny changes that are effortless, so small it almost feels like you haven’t done anything at all. But the fact is you have done something, and doing something small adds up over time; it is always better than doing nothing.

I will continually be adding to this list, so keep checking for more tricks.

1. Fit girls don’t drink their calories.  If you want a sweet beverage, don’t go for a soda, juice, or sports drink.  They are loaded with calories, usually 100-200 calories per serving. Water should be your number one choice.  If you need something sweet, try a flavored sparkling water, iced tea/green tea with lemon or as a last result even a diet soda if you must.

2. Fit girls don’t eat chips with their salsa.  Carrots are a great alternative to the tortilla chip.  Carrots add the crunch without the calories and fat, and you still get the great taste of the salsa.

3. Fit girls don’t read the menu at a restaurant.  Dining out can sabotage a healthy eating plan.  It is good to splurge once and a while, but when eating out on a regular basis, you want to choose the healthiest option available. 

 (a) After you have had a meal, and you are feeling full, go online and look up the restaurant’s website and menu.  In the privacy of your own home, on your own time, you can really read the food options and decide on the best choices.  You can take all the time you need, and since you have a full stomach, you won’t be influenced by hunger.  Make your choice for the next time you are dining out… and stick with it.  Don’t even open the menu when you are at the restaurant.

 (b) If the restaurant doesn’t have a website, or you don’t have time to look it up, when you do have to open the menu, look to see if they have heart healthy options.  Most places have a little symbol that they place next to the healthy choices.  Only look at those options.  Don’t read through all the yummy appetizer descriptions; don’t read through all the yummy pasta dishes, etc.  Choose only from the heart healthy menu items.

4. Fit girls don’t eat in their car.  Stop eating major meals in your car like it’s a restaurant on wheels.  Skinny girls will eat things like a health bar or some fruit, but no eating burritos, sandwiches, and pizza. How much can you really enjoy your food and pay attention to your portions if you are driving around and paying attention to 10 other things.  Also, because skinny girls don’t eat meals in the car, there is no need to go through any kind of drive through which typically belongs to fast food joints.

5. Fit girls stop eating before they are full.  This is a big one.  By taking a few minutes before you feel full, you can cut serious calories from your diet without feeling deprived.  You must really pay attention to how your stomach is feeling, and stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly. (I started doing this, and it has worked every time.  I am always amazed that even though I don’t feel full, if I stop eating, within a few minutes I feel full and sometimes stuffed. ) Eating just enough to satisfy your hunger will help you to feel your best, rather than stuffing yourself into a “food coma”!

6. Fit girls  eat a meal or snack before  going to the grocery store.  Grocery shopping can sabotage any healthy diet, as there are yummy temptations at every turn. If you go to the grocery while hungry, it can lead to crazy, unhealthy purchases, and in some cases, binge eating when you get home.

7. Fit girls don’t eat salads at fast food restaurants.  We all think of salads as being healthy, but his can be very misleading, especially at fast food joints.  Most Wendy’s salads have over 600 calories each.  A grilled chicken breast sandwich open face (remove one of the buns) or a bowl of chili is a much better option at less than 500 calories each.  Salads can be a great choice because they are filled with veggies and fiber, but once you add the restaurant dressing (even the fat free option) it can put your calories way over the top.  Don’t mistakenly make salad your “healthy” default menu option, because most times there are healthier, lower calorie, higher protein options.

8. Fit girls avoid food products that make healthy claims.  Generally speaking, a health claim on a food product is a strong indication that  it is not really a food but a food-like substance that has been scientifically engineered.  If you want a healthy food… eat a fruit or veggie.

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