About Me

I am a 43 year old stay at home mom. My wonderful husband, Todd, and I have been together since college. We have IMG_0821_editedtwo kids. Samantha is 6 and James is 4. I have been a “gym rat” since my dad got us a family membership at a Nautilus gym when I was in high school. Around this time, my dad and I also started running every night after he got home from work, which led to 10Ks on the weekend and joining the cross country team. I love fitness. I love going to the gym. I love running. I love nutrition. I love having a fitness goal. 10 years ago, I competed in my first bodybuilding competition and came in dead last. It was still a great experience, but I said I would never do it again. However, I found myself in the best shape ever, so I started training and competed in another bodybuilding competition.  The competitors were top notch, and I came in third.  Now I am ready to get back to “normal”.

 I definitely have a passion for fitness and nutrition.  There are too many fitness and nutrition websites to count.  There is so much information out there that it boggles the mind.  Which information is good?  Which information is not so good?  Which information is best suited for YOU? 

Well, I don’t have a fancy web site or a fancy form to fill out.  I don’t have a computer generated fitness/nutrition plan that is spit out after you answer a few generic questions. I don’t have a bunch of cool pictures, and I am probably not the best writer.  However, I do have time.  I do have information.  I do want to provide good, solid advice that is relevant for you. 

 Email me at  musclemommy@live.com

3 responses

21 08 2009
Susan Logan

Hey Kristi- this is awesome! I totally love this site! How long have you been doing this?

I’m at the gym these days trying to lose the baby belly. Yuck. Same size and exact weight as I was pre-baby but now there’s this, this, THING hanging around my mid section that looks at me everyday. Very annoying. Made myself try spinning and love and hate it simultaneously. If only the instructor could hear the names I call her in my head!

Ok, here’s a question for you- do you know a GOOD sports-minded podiatrist? I had surgery to remove a neuroma but it’s grown back and I don’t want to see the same Dr. I saw before. In the meantime it sucks running and I likely need more orthotics and maybe surgery. Yuck.

I have heard of a good guy named Hansen out in Chandler but am nervous to make the appointment.

If you know someone or can ask around, I’d be glad to hear of someone that spends some time with patients under the age of 60 and is familiar with runners injuries (and psyche!).

Hope you and Todd and the kids are good and your folks too. Please tell them Hi!

25 08 2009
Dawn Colledge

Way cool Kristi! That photo of you is amazing! I just finished a 12 week nutrition program and learned a lot – this site will help me stay motivated now that my “accountability coach” is no more. It’s so easy for me to slip back into bad habits especially with all the stresses of life.

I plan on checking in weekly if not more! Keep it up and say hi to Todd and the kids (they’ll have no idea who you are talking about, but it’ll get them thinking about something other than the Backyardigans latest adventure)!

8 09 2009
Tami Lamping

Hey – how odd to find out about all of this after you just finding me on FB!! I’ve never been able to keep to a program, however, at the beginning of this year, I was up and at the gym every week day for over 2 months and then got really sick and lost my ambition and mind set…….GRRR!!!! It hurt nobody but myself and I just got some home, work out DVD’s in the mail today and started immediately. Will get up every morning before work and get to it…..So — me trying to get back into my rythm and find a healthy and fit lifestyle, and YOU finding me on the day I re-started it all….WOW!!! Love ya and again, so glad to have you back in my life, friend!!!!

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