Minis v.s. Squares

29 09 2009

 Fact or Fiction? 

It’s better to eat 6 mini meals than 3 square meals.




There are a lot of benefits to eating 5 – 6 small meals a day, but this may not work for some people due to schedule, personal lifestyle and food preference … and as long as your food choices for the entire day are healthy and not too high in calories, either eating style can work.   It is all about the calories in.

I find many people prefer to eat more volume less frequently because of hectic schedules and/or heartier appetites. If that sounds like you, just be sure your collective daily calories are in check and try not to go longer than 4-5 hours without eating. That’s because your blood sugar may drop, causing low energy, headaches and binge eating in response to feeling blah. Also, be sure to always keep small emergency snacks on hand in case you’re running late for lunch or dinner — perhaps a piece of fruit, nonfat yogurt or baby carrots. The bottom line: It’s about choosing an eating style that fits with your lifestyle and you can live with!  Just make sure that you keep account of your calories.

Eating smart: Tips towards healthy eating

27 09 2009

Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart”. It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat. Paying attention to what you eat and choosing foods that are both nourishing and enjoyable helps support an overall healthy diet.

  • Take time to chew your food: Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush though our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the textures of what is in our mouths. Reconnect with the joy of eating.
  • Avoid stress while eating: When we are stressed, our digestion can be compromised. Avoid eating while working, driving, arguing, or watching TV.  If you are stressed, most likely you are not paying attention to what or how much you are eating.  You don’t get a chance to enjoy your food, and you may unconsciously eat way too much. Don’t be the person who eats an entire bag of chips while watching tv, driving or surfing the internet and then wonders where they all went.
  • Listen to your body: Ask yourself if you are really hungry. You may really be thirsty, so try drinking a glass of water first. During a meal, stop eating before you feel full. This is a big one.  By taking a few minutes before you feel full, you can cut serious calories from your diet without feeling deprived.  You must really pay attention to how your stomach is feeling, and stop eating before you feel full. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly. I started doing this, and it has worked every time.  I am always amazed that even though I don’t feel full, if I stop eating, within a few minutes I feel full and sometimes stuffed.  Eating just enough to satisfy your hunger will help you remain alert, relaxed and feeling your best, rather than stuffing yourself into a “food coma”!
  • Eat early, eat often: Starting your day with a healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism, and eating the majority of your daily caloric allotment earlier in the day gives your body time to burn those calories. Dinner should be your smallest meal of the day. Also, eating small, healthy meals throughout the day, can really help keep your metabolism going strong and ensure that don’t become “famished” and binge snack.

3 Steps – Tried and True

25 09 2009


I love weight training. I have been doing it for over 12 years, and I am always learning new ways to maximize my workouts and my results. Just walk into a bookstore, or browse online and you’ll find hundreds of books all ready to teach you how to gain the benefits of weight training, but there are a few steps you should adhere to no matter what your goals. These steps will ensure optimal results from you weight training activities.

Step # 1: Make your workouts short. Weight training programs should never last more than one hour. Remember, you’re placing stress on the muscles as you lift weights. An hour is the maximum time to exercise without causing stress and possible injuries.


Step # 2: Make your workout intense. During weight training sessions one of your goals should be to challenge your body, so it adapts by building new muscle cells and burning body fat. If you are going to take the time to lift weights, really make it worth your while.


Step #3: Consistently change your weight training routines. Regardless of whether you are trying to burn fat, improve sports performance, boost your metabolism, get more tone, or become a body builder, change is a must. To reach your goals most effectively and work smarter, you must constantly challenge your body. Your body can adapt very quickly to repetitive routines week after week. Adding more weight, changing the routine and changing the number of repetitions are all excellent ways to keep change in your weight training workouts.


Check out my section on Advanced Training Tips for additional ways to mix up your workouts. You should change your workout routine at least every four weeks, but you can mix it up every week if you prefer.

Simple Changes

23 09 2009

1. Drink Water—Lots Of Water!

When you’re dehydrated, you limit your body’s natural ability to burn fat. Skip the soda, cut the coffee, and drink at least a ½ gallon  to a gallon of water each day.

2. Stay Away From Fad Diets

When it comes to food, use common sense. Aim for three meals a day containing a moderate portion (about the size of your palm) of lean protein and a moderate portion (about the size of your fist) of carbohydrates.  In between meals, enjoy two or three small snacks such as an apple, a light yogurt, or a handful of carrots.

3. Get Moving

Even small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking for a half an hour after dinner instead of watching TV can change your entire outlook on life and burn some serious calories.

4. Love Yourself Now

There’s no one else like you in the entire world, and the shape you’re in doesn’t define your value as a person. Learn to respect your uniqueness and enjoy the process of getting fit and healthy as much as the results.  I have a post-it note on my wall that reads “I am thankful to exercise today.  I am thankful to eat properly today.  I am thankful and proud of how I look today.”

5. Eat Before You Shop

Going to the grocery store while hungry can lead to crazy, unhealthy purchases, and in some cases, binge eating when you get home.

6. Don’t Eat While Watching TV

When watching television, people tend to get distracted and shovel the food in without realizing how much they’re eating. What’s more, the types of convenience foods most people eat in front of the TV are usually not conducive to a healthy lifestyle. You can go through a whole bag of chips by the time your favorite sitcom’s over, so leave the snacks in the kitchen.

7. Give Yourself A Break

Demanding perfection right away can only lead to guilt and frustration. That’s why I recommend the occasional indulgence. Once or twice a week, treat yourself to something special like a slice of pizza or a piece of cake. It will take some of the pressure off in the beginning and will help you appreciate the fact that you’re following the right lifestyle the rest of the time.

8. Think Of The Three Top Reasons Why You Want To Live Healthier

This will motivate you to keep at it. While your reasons are going to be unique for you, some popular ones include looking good, avoiding disease, having more confidence, or getting more energy. You can even write your reasons down. Post your reasons on your bathroom mirror, on your refrigerator, near the television set, and next to your bed as constant and public reminders of the commitment you’ve made to yourself.

9. Reaffirm Your Commitment

Each day, reaffirm your commitment to get healthier in your mind and in your heart, and remember that you and only you have the ability to achieve your goals.

Mini Menu Makeover

21 09 2009


 So I was watching a segment on a talk show about a mini money makeover.  They were talking about how to overhaul your finances.  There are so many things that need to be done to change spending habits and save money that it can be truly overwhelming.  Their plan was to take one aspect of your finances and just change and improve that one thing.  Don’t try to do everything at once… refinancing your home, paying off all your credit cards, downsizing this or that, but make one little change, and start with that.


So I have applied this plan to exercise and nutrition.  I call it The Mini Menu Makeover.  Make one little change in your menu.  Make it something that you may be ambivalent about, so that after a few days, you will not even miss it.  For example, if you drink a glass of orange juice every day for breakfast, drink water instead.  Do this for 30 days. If you drink a non-diet soda with lunch every day, drink water instead.  Do this for 30 days.   If you have a sandwich every day for lunch, have it without the cheese and mayo for 30 days.  If you have a large latte every afternoon, make it a small non-fat latte every day for 30 days. If you have bread with dinner every night, substitute a half apple for 30 days.  Think about the things that you eat or drink every single day that you know may not be the healthiest choice (and no, juice is generally not healthy. It is all marketing hype.  It is loaded with empty calories, and lots of them!) . Remove one of those things from your menu for 30 days.  But… choose wisely.  If you really look forward to your soda at lunch, then that is probably not the one thing to change (at least this time around). But if you don’t really care about the roll at dinner and just eat it out of habit, that is the thing to change.  Just one thing.  30 days.


19 09 2009



Drop Sets are one of the most challenging and rewarding weight training exercises you can do. If you are looking to add intensity to your workout, this is a great way to do it.  You can use drop sets for any muscle group, especially when you have hit a plateau.

Start with a weight heavy enough to fatigue muscles in 10 – 15 reps. Do one set to muscular failure then as quick as you can, lower the weight and do another set to muscular failure, then quickly lower that weight and do another set product1_3239[1]to failure. (For example: 10 pounds to 8 pounds to 5 pounds). This is repeated for multiple sets in a row.  I usually do three sets of drop sets, which is actually nine sets.  Keep in mind; that on your last drop, say at 5 pounds, you may only be able to do two or three reps. 

Routines based on drop sets shouldn’t be done long term or for every workout.  Use this advanced training technique to add intensity and change up your workout.  I do drop sets about every three weeks but for only one muscle group.  If I have reached the dreaded plateau, this is a nice way to kick start your muscle development.


17 09 2009

Ten Signs of a Fad Diet

  1. Promises a large or fast weight loss (more than one to two pounds per week)
  2. Encourages you to eliminate food groups (such as grains) or eat from a limited selection of foods
  3. Offers rigid menus that don’t consider your likes, dislikes and lifestyles
  4. Neglects active living, exercise or lifestyle changes
  5. Provides far fewer calories than what is needed for an energized, healthy lifestyle
  6. Contradicts what most trusted health professionals say
  7. Depends on special products, supplements or treatments
  8. Has miraculous claims
  9. Relies on testimonials and anecdotes rather than scientific evidence
  10. Does not include suggestions to consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian.


I cannot emphasize this enough, as you have probably noticed this theme in every one of my post: The traditional weight loss method emphasizing a diet with a variety of foods including grains, fruits & vegetables, dairy and meat/fish, low in total fats, in addition to having a well balanced, consistent exercise plan can result in long lasting weight loss and improved health. This doesn’t sound too exciting, and let’s face it – fad diets sure sound compelling and know how to hook us. However, the traditional weight loss method stands the test of time for a simple reason: It works every single time!

Calorie Blast

15 09 2009

Blast calories by incorporating interval training in your cardio routine.  A 30-minute interval workout (which varies bursts of higher intensity with lower intensity periods) can burn approximately 30 percent more calories than a moderate, steady session done for the same amount of time.  30% is substantial… working smarter!

 I like to vary my cardio by doing the elliptical machine, stationary bike, treadmill, and just running through the neighborhood (weather permitting), and  I do interval training for each type.   For me, it also makes the time go a lot quicker.

 Apply this technique to any type of cardio: Divide your workout time into six equal parts (for a 30-minute workout you’d have six 5-minute interval sets).

Here is an example of how to start on a basic interval training program:


Week one:  30 minutes 3 – 5 times per week.            image001[1]

4 minutes at low to moderate intensity (zone 4-6).  1 minute at the highest intensity you can handle (zone 7-8 or 9)

 Week two: 30 minutes 3 – 5 times per week.

3 minutes at moderate intensity.  2 minutes at the highest intensity you can handle.

Week three: 30 minutes 3 – 5 times per week.

2 minutes moderate intensity.  3 minutes high intensity.

 Week four:  30 minutes 3 – 5 times per week.

1 minute moderate intensity.  4 minutes high intensity.


 There are also many variations depending on your mood, likes and dislikes.  When I ride the stationary bike I will usually do two minutes moderate intensity and one minute high intensity for 30 minutes (so my intervals area divided into 10 equal parts).  This is strictly a personal choice based on my dislike of the bike.  I want to cross train on different cardio machines, and if I had to do more minutes of intense training on the bike, I’m sure I would start finding excuses not to use the bike.  Sooner or later it would go by the wayside, and I would lose a great cardio activity.  Remember, the best cardio exercise is the one that you can stick with.

On the treadmill, it is the exact opposite of the bike.  I have worked up to 12 minutes of running (highest intensity) and 3 minutes of walking (so my intervals are divided into two equal parts).

 When I run through the neighborhood, I run at a normal pace for 4 minutes and then sprint for 1 minute, so I am running the entire 30 minutes but at different speeds.


Intervals can also be used with level of difficulty and inclines, rather than speed.  For example on the treadmill, your highest intensity time period can be at an incline of 10, and your moderate intensity period can be at an incline of 3 (or whatever number makes sense for you).


The bike can be the same.  You can do your high intensity at level 7 on the bike and your low intensity at level 2.  … Hopefully you get the point, and you can play around with the times and intensity to find the best combination for you.  Remember to challenge yourself, though.  As your endurance increases, keep the workout fresh by spending more time at high-intensity levels, increasing your speed throughout or doing longer intensity bursts with less recovery time.

How can 140 lbs be a size 8 and also a size 12?

13 09 2009

Fact or Fiction?  Muscle weighs more than fat.




A pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh the same… one pound.  However, muscle is denser and takes up less space than fat.


Here is a picture of five pounds of fat and five pounds of muscle.  As you can see, the five pounds of fat is much bulkier than the five pounds of muscle, but five pounds is still five pounds.  Muscle does not weigh more than fat.fat-v-muscle[1]


Fat is bulky and lumpy, so if you carry and extra five pounds of fat, you’ll be lumpier than with five pounds more muscle.  A five pound pile of fat will take up more space (volume) than a five pound pile of muscle; but again, five pounds is still five pounds.


A woman weighing 140 pounds with 20% fat will look much smaller (and be much healthier) than a woman at 140 pounds with 35% fat.  They weigh the same, yet the composition is different.  Because muscle is denser than fat, the person with less fat and more muscle will  be smaller.


That explains how you can weigh the same but become larger, or conversely if you are working out and exercising with purpose, you can become leaner and wear a smaller size but weigh the same.


What is the best weigh to gain muscle?  Weight training is the absolute best way to gain muscle.  The other benefit to weight training is that you are burning calories as you lift weights, and that leads to fat loss.  This is a no brainer!

Eggs Rock!

11 09 2009



While training for my competition, my trainer had me eat a lot of eggs. Mostly egg whites, but I began to realize that eggs are a nutrition powerhouse. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.  They also contain the right kind of fat: polyunsaturated fat, which can actually lower blood cholesterol, so don’t be afraid of the egg!  Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D, and they are rich in folate, vitamin B12, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, eggs also provides a good source of an antioxidant called lutein. 

I am still hooked on eggs; scrambled with lots of salsa, hard boiled, soft boiled, over easy… what a selection, and my husband eats one every day for breakfast.  As I am shopping for eggs, I go back and forth between white eggs, brown eggs, and cage-free eggs.  I mostly buy what is on sale, but sometimes I feel like I should splurge and get the more expensive carton.eggs[1]

To make my egg buying decisions smarter, I did some research.  Here is the skinny on the egg:

Egg Varieties

  • Brown eggs: The eggshell color only depends upon the breed of the hen. It has nothing to do with the quality, flavor, nutritive value, or cooking characteristics.
  • Omega 3 enhanced eggs are from hens fed a diet flax seed or fish oils. Omega 3 enhanced eggs contain more omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin E than the regular eggs. Omega-3 enhanced eggs contain approximately 7 times more omega 3 fatty acids than regular white eggs.
  • Organic eggs have the same nutritional content, fat or cholesterol as regular eggs. They are produced by hens fed certified organic grains without most conventional pesticides and fertilizers. Growth hormones and antibiotics are also prohibited.
  • Free-Run or Cage-free eggs: The nutrient content of these eggs is the same as that of regular eggs.  They are produced by hens that are able to move about the floor of the barn and have access to nesting boxes and perches.
  • Free-Range eggs are produced in a similar environment as cage-free eggs but hens have access to outdoor runs as well. The nutrient content of these eggs is the same as that of regular eggs.
  • Processed eggs such as liquid egg whites or dried egg whites are regular eggs broken by special machines then pasteurized before being further processed and packaged in liquid, frozen or dried form. Process egg products may also contain preservatives and flavor or color additives.

The Bottom Line

According to the Egg Nutrition Center, the nutritional value of an egg is affected ONLY by what the hen is fed.  So, organic eggs and cage-free eggs provide the same nutritional value as a regular brown or white egg if their feeds are the same.

Here is my two cents:  I am still going to pay that little extra to buy cage-free eggs.  This is just my opinion with no science to back it up, but when one’s body (even a chicken) is placed in a situation of high stress, it releases stress hormones.  This may have no impact on the nutritional quality of the egg, but it might